Saturday, July 31, 2010

Room Decor

So I'm going to make the decor for Baby's room. We have finally settled on a western theme. I made and got my very first baby item a couple days ago. I made a fleece blanket, one side cowprint, the other white. I can't wait to make other stuff!

I also received a crib, changing table, and dresser from Courtney. I can't thank her enough.

And as we all know, I can't possibly keep a post on one topic. So here's a little TMI (too much information) for all of you fellow readers: I bought my first box of breast pads yesterday. My damn boob leaks. Not all the time. Just if there's a certain amount of pressure on it (like if I lean against something). I was bra-less yesterday (no I was not in public) after I woke up. I had a tiny wet spot on the front of my shirt. What the.... ? So I decided to buy a box so I don't start ruining clothes.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


So I'm thinking about completely changing the theme of the room again. I know! I know! I need to make up my mind.

But I got to thinking about it, and the baby's not going to be paying attention to what the decor is. I don't need some designer-made crap.

Paul REALLY wants a "cowboy" type theme. So I think I'm going to go to a linen shop and make my own blankets and curtains. And I'll find some stuffed animals to decorate the room with. And maybe paint a cow-print border or something.

I know this is something my husband really, really wants. And he doesn't say much in the way of how things should go. I want to make sure he gets what he wants.

On another note...

I finally got my ob/gyn. Dr. Allercamp (I don't think that's spelled right) from Scott and White. I don't have an appointment until August 24th. I'll be 17 weeks. I can't wait to see my baby again!

Oh, and I've lost 15 pounds. I normally weight 201-215. I never had morning sickness. I eat like I did before. When I do decide to weigh myself, I do it immediately after I take my first pee when I wake up. It's been a week or so since I weighed myself and the scale said 200. I don't even remember the last time I weighed 200 pounds!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


One thing is for sure: babies cost money.

With that being said, Paul and I just made a sacrafice to ensure we save money. Our average DirecTV bill is about $72.00 a month. Our promotion has ended. I threat to cancel and they can give me free dvr service. Oooh! $5.00 a month. Woopeeeee! Not.

Paul got Netflix the other day and has been watching it unlimited on the Xbox. In HD. For only $10.00 a month.

Granted Netflix doesn't have brand new stuff every single day and gazillions of channels to watch, it'll still do the trick for us. We want to make sure we save as much money as we can so we can be parents that are able to provide for their children. We don't want to be greedy. We're now dedicated to someone else. Our baby will get everything he or she ever needs.

Bye bye DirecTV!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Guessing Game

As you all know (or maybe you don't), we will not be telling the sex of the baby. And of course, won't know the weight, length, etc until he or she is born. So I made a game for everyone to guess the stats of the baby. Feel free to enter your best guess now or later (the game will be closed probably a couple weeks before the due date). The winner will receive a prize. Whoever has the least amount of points wins. Good luck!

Friday, July 23, 2010


Call me crazy or call me excited, I don't care, but I got our baby registry done (I think) at Walmart. We have a safari theme with lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my! It's really cute. I finally got Paul to give me some input and he liked that theme. So that's what we're doing. I can't wait until we can start putting stuff in Baby's room! Yay!

On another note... I'm still waiting for my referral to my ob/gyn. I called my physician's office the other day and they said the referral went through and the ob would call me. I haven't received a call yet. So I called Tricare today to check on the referral. They said there was nothing entered in for a referral since October of 2009. He didn't even show a referral to Dr. Winceck at Scott and White. Odd. So I'm going to call the doctor's office again Monday since they decided to go on vacation this past week. I haven't had an ultrasound since the beginning of week 7. I'll be at least 13 weeks by the time I get an appointment in. Something needs to get done quickly. What if something happens? I need a doctor!

Friday, July 16, 2010


My hips are aching quite often now. I sleep with a pillow between my legs and I partially roll over on top of another one. That gets me comfy in bed, at least. But during the night and often throughout the day, particularly in certain sitting positions, my hips ache. I can't exactly explain it. It's almost a dull throbbing ache. Quite uncomfortable. I feel like I have a vice attached to each hip, and I am getting pulled apart. I thought my hips were big enough already. I hope they don't get too much bigger!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Holy Crap

Holy crap do I have to crap. Constipation has finally set in noticeably within the past week. I couldn't have a nice healthy shit if my life depended on it. I can get out a couple marble sized turds and that's about it. I was telling Paul in bed the other night, "I have to fart, but every time I do, it feels like I'm going to poop, so I try not to, so it feels like I have to fart all the time." MAKE IT GO AWAY! I never thought I'd miss pooping. But I do.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Second Trimester Approaching

Soon I will be in my second trimester. I am currently 10 weeks and 3 days. I feel as though it's already time for me to "recap" my first trimester.

I had bouts of nausea but that was only a couple times. I never did get sick. Naps were a must-have every day, for at least 2 hours. Bed time was at 9 pm.

And that pretty much sums it up. Hahaha!

What's different so far? No nausea (but I really didn't have any in the first place). I can, for the most part, deal with not having a nap. And I've been able to stay up past 10 the past few nights. Woo hoo!

Second trimester, here I come!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

It's Official

We officially have names picked out. Woo hoo!!!!!

*drum roll please*

Renata Elyse Nebel and Bradley Michael Nebel

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Aaah! Relief!

It's been raining outside off and on. Very warm and humid, but not shorts weather. So I put on my jeans. Oh my God they hurt! I couldn't breathe when I buttoned them up. So I unbuttoned and halfway unzipped them, then tucked the flaps in. If that didn't make me feel fat, I don't know what could have.

So I went to Target and got a belly band. I tried it on in the dressing room and didn't take it off. I just walked to the checkout with the package (which surprises me because the checkout girl didn't say anything to me about the package being empty..... hmm.... ). I got white so it will look like I have a tank top on under my shirt if it does happen to show. My God, I've never felt so much relief in my life. I can get bloated and full and still be comfortable in my pants. I feel kind of rediculous because no one can tell I'm pregnant, but I can tell. And I feel like a fat ass in my jeans.

I took some before and after pictures. I hope they amuse you.


My flaps are tucked in.

They're simply unbuttoned.


With the belly band on. It not only flattens my unbuttoned jeans, but smoothes my curvy lovehandles. Yay!