Monday, November 1, 2010

It's Disappearing

I discovered something last night before I went to bed: My belly button is starting to disappear. It looks half the size of what it did before. It's neat because it helps me realize that I'm not fat, I'M PREGNANT!

I'd take a picture of it but you can't tell the difference. It still looks like a belly button in pictures. That, and my belly needs shaved. Can we say "HAIRY"?


  1. Oh, I totally get the hairy thing. That is DEFINITELY not in "What to Expect When You're Expecting". I mean...what the heck is up with that?

  2. I should so totally take a picture of it. I haven't shaved it in a good month. The hair is so coarse that it looks like I have a 5 o'clock shadow on my stomach right after I shave.
