Thursday, November 18, 2010


I feel so overwhelmed right now. Part of it is baby, part of it is getting ready to go to Iowa for vacation. I think it's understandable what is sressful about vacation. But the baby? Ugh!

First off, time is just dragging by waiting for him to get here. I have been part of a forum since week 8 that is for women pregnant and due in January 2011. I get so anxious seeing most of them talking about the baby dropping and how they have only a few weeks left. It's making me so anxious reading all their posts!

Second, there's still so much stuff I need to get for the baby but I can't get it right now. And I want sooooo bad to start finishing his room. I want to organize, organize, organize. And decorate. And get everything ready. But we have to pay for our vacation first. It's killing me knowing there's so much I still need to do but I can't do it!

Time is going by too slow. I know, when he's born, I'll probably be like, "Oh my! That was a quick pregnancy!" But right now, all I want to do is hold him. A part of me wishes he would arrive a couple weeks early but at the same time I don't because it's best if he "cooks" as long as possible. I jokingly told Paul earlier, "That would be cool if he was born while we were in Iowa!" But then, back to what I just said, he's not done "cooking" yet and plus Mom and Dad wouldn't be there. Other than that, it's a fun thought!

10 1/2 weeks left!

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