Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Appointment

Where do I start?! I'm such a happy person right now that I don't know what to do with myself!

I had my first appointment today (17w2d) with Dr. Allerkamp. He's awesome. So far I am 100% satisfied with Scott and White doctors. They're just plain awesome.

Dr. Allerkamp estimated my due date to be January 30 or 31st. For my sanity, we'll just keep saying it's the 30th.

I was asked the normal questions of "Do you want to test for down syndrome?" and a couple other ones. I asked "If the results come back positive, is there any way you can fix the disorder?" They said no. So I said no to testing. Why am I going to put myself and my husband through that kind of stress the entire pregnancy? I won't terminate my pregnancy if the baby does have something. I'm going to love my baby the way he/she comes out, no matter what.

He gave me an ultrasound today. Woo hoo! I got to see Baby. It just kept moving and moving around in there. Baby is really active. I couldn't stop smiling. Oh, WE FOUND OUT THE GENDER! Doc is about 80% sure but judging by the picture, I'm 100% sure!

Crotch Shot!

Baby touching his/her face!


I have to go to the hospital in Temple sometime to get an "official" ultrasound. They were closed by the time my appointment got over so the doctor's office will call me tomorrow with an appointment. The lady said they probably didn't have any openings until October. Eek! Good thing I begged for an ultrasound today. And good thing the doctor was nice enough to give me one!

Oh, and since I am epileptic, Dr. Allerkamp said something about high risk pregnancy. Honestly, I forgot his exact words because I was in baby heaven. But I'll probably update about that later on.

I chose to have the baby at Metroplex. A) It's closer. B) Dr. Allerkamp is on call there more than in Temple so my chances of seeing him are much better.

So yeah, I'm as happy as a hog right now. Yay! Baby!


  1. We are so excited for u guys..definitely looks like a boy!!! Im glad everything is going well with everything...miss u guys

  2. Thank you Daisy! We're hoping to come visit sometime soon. Catch up on some memories.
