Monday, August 30, 2010

High Risk

I was at Workforce filling out an application about an hour ago when my phone started vibrating. Annoyed, I looked at it, didn't recognise the number, and turned it off so I could focus on the task at hand.

They left me a voicemail.

I finish what I was doing and before I leave the parking lot, I listen to the voicemail.

"This is So-and-so at your doctor's office calling to remind you of your appointment September 3rd. If you have any questions, call us back."

What? I don't have an appointment September 3rd. I have my big ultrasound October 6th. They must have messed up.

So I call them back.

It's my high risk appointment.

Do you know how it feels to be told you have to see a high risk doctor? I went to HEB and damn near cried through the whole store. I am truly and honest to God scared. I don't want anything to be wrong with my beautiful baby. And I feel even worse because it would be all my fault it something were to be wrong.

So Friday is my appointment. I'm nervous. I want to go but then again I don't.

I just want my beautiful baby boy.

First Belly Pic!

I finally decided to put up a belly picture. I'm starting to round out instead of looking fat. Yay! I took this just a few minutes ago after getting out of the shower. Don't mind my purple undies. Haha!


And yes, that is a beach towel hanging on the door. I have proudly graduated today to beach towels.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


You still can't tell (or at least I don't think you can) I'm pregnant. Mom says my belly already looks like a bump. I still think it looks fat. It's starting to round out a little at the bottom.

I was laying down just a little bit ago, waking up from a nap. I laid on my back with my hands on my belly. He's definitely growing big! But for once, I actually looked down at my belly while I was laying down. Instead of my belly button being the "horizon", I have more belly poking up. Does that make sense?

I thought it was really neat. And it's firm. My baby. Awwww! Haha! I'm a nutcase.

I love my baby more and more every day. ♥

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Okay, we're telling!

I begged him to tell. He said yes. So I'm telling.

It's a BOY!

But like I said, the doctor was only about 80% sure. But that sure looks like a penis to me!

First Appointment

Where do I start?! I'm such a happy person right now that I don't know what to do with myself!

I had my first appointment today (17w2d) with Dr. Allerkamp. He's awesome. So far I am 100% satisfied with Scott and White doctors. They're just plain awesome.

Dr. Allerkamp estimated my due date to be January 30 or 31st. For my sanity, we'll just keep saying it's the 30th.

I was asked the normal questions of "Do you want to test for down syndrome?" and a couple other ones. I asked "If the results come back positive, is there any way you can fix the disorder?" They said no. So I said no to testing. Why am I going to put myself and my husband through that kind of stress the entire pregnancy? I won't terminate my pregnancy if the baby does have something. I'm going to love my baby the way he/she comes out, no matter what.

He gave me an ultrasound today. Woo hoo! I got to see Baby. It just kept moving and moving around in there. Baby is really active. I couldn't stop smiling. Oh, WE FOUND OUT THE GENDER! Doc is about 80% sure but judging by the picture, I'm 100% sure!

Crotch Shot!

Baby touching his/her face!


I have to go to the hospital in Temple sometime to get an "official" ultrasound. They were closed by the time my appointment got over so the doctor's office will call me tomorrow with an appointment. The lady said they probably didn't have any openings until October. Eek! Good thing I begged for an ultrasound today. And good thing the doctor was nice enough to give me one!

Oh, and since I am epileptic, Dr. Allerkamp said something about high risk pregnancy. Honestly, I forgot his exact words because I was in baby heaven. But I'll probably update about that later on.

I chose to have the baby at Metroplex. A) It's closer. B) Dr. Allerkamp is on call there more than in Temple so my chances of seeing him are much better.

So yeah, I'm as happy as a hog right now. Yay! Baby!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm Done!!!!!!


Paul's been obsessed with the Winnie the Pooh decor for Baby's room, so Winnie the Pooh it is. I already changed everything in the registry... again. This is finalized and I am NOT changing it again. Men. I swear! They need to learn how to make up their minds. Grrrrr!

So.... officially.... officially, officially, officially.... IT IS WINNIE THE POOH!

Friday, August 20, 2010


I took some quizzes "just because". The first one is labor prediction. The rest are gender prediction. Here's what I got:
Get your bags packed early just in case you need them. Make sure your partner has a phone available when he's away because this baby just might come early. We predict your baby will come 2-3 weeks early. Your baby will most likely be born in the morning. Justmommies predicts that your baby will weigh approximately 7.5 pounds and that your labor will be about 12 hours long.

You have a 71% chance of having a boy.
And you have a 28% chance of having a girl.

Based on your answers, it is too close to tell what gender your baby will be. It could be a girl or a boy!

Your Type is: 3

1- It Could Be a Boy!

According to old wives' tales, a number of things indicate that you might be having a boy: carrying high and out front, conceiving at the time of ovulation (and in a position involving deep penetration), eating a potassium-rich diet, having mild morning-only sickness, a fetal heartbeat that's less than 130 beats per minute, and looking more beautiful. As the old saying goes, "Boys give beauty, girls take it away." Learn more pregnancy myths.

2- It Could Be a Girl
According to old wives' tales, a number of things indicate that you might be having a girl: carrying low and wide, conceiving just before the time of ovulation (and in a position involving shallow penetration), eating a magnesium-rich diet, having severe morning sickness (that can last all day long), a fetal heartbeat that's more than 140 beats per minute, and looking less beautiful. We're pretty sure that Angelina Jolie (mom of Shiloh) would disagree with the old saying, "Boys give beauty, girls take it away." Learn more pregnancy myths.

3- Can't Tell
It sounds like it's too early to put these old wives' tales to the test. Try again soon!

A Little Bit of Everything

Oh, boy. Where do I start? It's been a long couple weeks.

Monday, August 9th, Uncle Dale was in a fatal motorcycle accident so that sent my life (and the rest of the family's) into a whirlwind. I had never cried so hard in my life and I never want to cry like that again. The next day the top of my uterus had felt like I did a hundred crunches. It hurt. After resting a whole day in the car (because we drove to Iowa on Tuesday) I felt much better. By the end of the week and after many tears, I decided to go to the emergency room in Nebraska City just to check up on the baby. I wasn't having any symptoms such as cramping or bleeding. I just wasn't eating right, had the poops, and was under a ton of stress. And I know stress is not good for the baby. I got to hear his/her heartbeat. The first nurse couldn't find it. Then a student came in to find it. She found it for a second or so and then lost it. Then the doctor came in and in a completely different spot he found it. Good God the baby had a nice and strong heartbeat. I was laughing and crying at the same time. It was just what I needed. It was almost as if I melted into another world for that small moment. If I remember correctly, the student measured the heartbeat at 138.

Sleeping is much more complex now. I feel as though I have a 20 pound weight belt strapped to my waist. I don't get crushed if I lay on my back yet. But if I turn to the side, I have to have major support. My belly just feels so heavy. And I love waking up in the morning now. My uterus is hard as a rock when I wake up and I can feel all around it. It's so cool!

I felt the baby kick while I was standing up for the very first time the other day. Some say it feels like butterflies. Mine feels like a quick little muscle spazm. I don't feel the baby very often. It's still awfully early.

Paul and I went to Walmart the other day. We happened to go through the baby aisle. He finally realized how much baby stuff costs. Oh, and guess what else! ...He fell in love with the Pooh Bear stroller/swing/etc. Here we go again......

One more thing......... I'm leaning towards thinking "he" is a "she".

Saturday, August 7, 2010

My belly

My belly hasn't "popped" yet, but I know it's getting close. I can feel the top of my uterus a couple inches below my belly button. I lay down and my belly's just.. well... there. You can't tell yet from just looking. But I can definitely tell from feeling. Especially at night. When I wake up to pee and go lay in bed again, it just pokes out all hard and stuff. But anywho. Back to "popping". So I can feel it getting larger. One of these days my belly's not going to be able to hold the weight anymore. I can't wait to be round instead of just fat. Haha!

Monday, August 2, 2010


Like I've said a hundred times before, we're not telling the gender of Baby. And, as I said before, I don't want to find out but Paul does.

But I've been contemplating. I kind of do want to find out. I want to look at and buy baby stuff but I always find stuff that is gender-specific. Like today, we saw the cutest sign to hang on the wall if baby were to be a girl. And I've found cute boy stuff, too.

I can't decide! I want the big surprise on delivery day but holy cow, I want to know so bad right now! Aaah!

I've got some thinking to do....


I was laying on the couch at Mom and Dad's last night. And being my normal self, I farted. Shortly after I farted, I felt this "bubbling" on the left side. Was it more gas coming in? Was it the baby fluttering around in there? I honestly think it was the baby. I'm not new to the world of "gas" and this was a bubbling like I've never felt before. I hope it was baby kicking. I can't wait until it happens again. This just reassures that my little one is growing good and being really active.