Last night I had my very first painful contraction. That or I had a spazm in my belly. I'm not sure. But it hurt like hell. Normally I sleep on my right side. I have the entire pregnancy. If I sleep on my left, I get really bad gas and it's painful to roll over. Last night I was sleeping on my left side and woke because I had to go pee. I got halfway over to my right side and this excruciating pain shot throughout my entire abdomen. So I rolled back to my left side as quickly as possible. I then tried rolling onto my belly to get on all fours. It took me a good minute to accomplish that. The pain was still barely tolerable. I somehow made it to the side of the bed, halfway dangled my legs over, and was hunched into a ball. I couldn't sit up straight. It hurt bad enough curled up. I texted mom to let her know what was going on. The pain went from a 10 to 9 so I scuffled my way to the bathroom as quickly as possible. As soon as I sat on the toilet it was back at a 10. Mom called me and I told her how it hurt. She wanted to start timing. The pain went back to a 9 and I quickly wiped and scuffled back to bed, only to have it go back to a 10. There was no way I could tell when it was coming and going. After a few minutes on the phone with mom, they started subsiding. We hung up and I was able to go back to bed after that. I'm not sure what caused the pain, whether it was a contraction or maybe a charlie horse in my uterus (if that's even possible), but it really really hurt.
So today every time I have a contraction, I get this slight pain. I'm not sure if it's from the intense pain I felt last night or if it's from actual contractions starting. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning so we'll see how things are moving along.
And I've noticed about the past week, especially when I wake up, this feeling "down below." It feels almost as though I rode a bicycle after not riding one for 10 years and it had a REALLY hard seat. I believe this is from the baby dropping even more and my pelvis is starting to separate.
Boy, I sure can't wait until that appointment tomorrow. I hope we can get things moving along!
Oh, and I bought a new camera yesterday so I can take millions and millions of pictures of Benton. :)
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