Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Self-Inducing and Dogs

First off, let me say that I was literally truly and honestly scared for the first time ever in my life. I went for a walk to try to increase contractions and got mauled by a dog. It was a rot/pit/whatever looking dog. Well, you could tell it was a puppy but a grown puppy. It jumped on me, so I kicked it. It fell to the sidewalk, got up, and jumped at me again. I pushed it a couple more times. Then it started nipping at my heels, pants, and elbows. I even had paw prints on my chest. I was screaming because it wouldn't get off me but apparently no one heard me. I slowly walked to the house whose yard I was in. I banged on the door like crazy and after a good minute, lady finally answered and the dog barged in as soon as she opened the door. She didn't seem to have a care in the world. I'm definitely mad at the situation. But more off, I was and am still frightened. All that ran through my head was, "Oh, my god. I'm a few days away from meeting my baby and I'm going to get killed by a dog." It was truly and honestly scary.

On to self-inducing....

A few days ago I got castor oil at HEB to attempt to start labor (yes, I've become THAT desperate). I took 2 tablespoons followed by orange juice before bed. The most I got out of that was a few farts, a rumbly tummy, and a little stomach cramping (not belly, stomach). Well, after much persuasion from friends and after researching more recipes online, I took 1 ounce just a little while ago (11:11 pm) followed by some hot tea. So we'll see what happens! I always imagined he'd come on the 27th and tomorrow's the 27th. Maybe? We've got our fingers crossed!

So Grandma Betty and Granma Pat and Grandpa Larry are all scheduled to be in town by the end of the evening tomorrow. Grandma's flying in and Grandma and Grandpa are driving. Paul's got Chief to cover for him at work this weekend. So now all I have to do is either get this baby to come out naturally or beg the doctor to induce me this weekend. I'd hate to have the baby come due to convenience, but considering the circumstances, it would be the best time.

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