Sooooooooo.............................................. We're contemplating changing the baby's name. Everyone I've spoken to thinks Bradley's a little, well, "blah". Which is fine. I'm okay with that. I was feeling awkward about saying Bradley anyways. I couldn't get it to come out of my mouth comfortably.
So I spent a few hours today going over baby names. I picked all of the ones I liked. Then Paul went back through them and took out the ones he didn't like. We had six names: Micah, Michael, Callum, Leland, Grady, and Bradley. I took each of the names and paired them up to come up with as many name combinations as possible. Then we practiced saying the names to find out which ones were weird to say or kind of ran together. We finally got them all narrowed down to three options.
Callum Grady Nebel
Grady Callum Nebel
Micah Grady Nebel
We're going to take our time and practice saying the names and calling the baby by each one. Who knows? We may end up deciding on D-Day!
I like the Micah, depending on how you say it.
meesher - if you do it this way it means michael in russian I think