Saturday, January 23, 2010


Okay... I'm trying to think of a fundraising idea to get money.

One idea I have, which by the way I think is frickin' awesome, is to create a basket to raffle off. Make the basket, go around the neighborhood, and try to sell tickets. I just don't know what to put in the basket.

Oh, I'm so excited! I hope it works!!!!!!!

Please leave a comment at the bottom of this blog by clicking "comments" to let me know of any ideas.

Have an awesome day world!!!!

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So I've been getting donations for items for the raffle basket. It excites me to know so many people care and want to help. We have received very generous donations that we are extremely delighted to receive. I know this raffle will be a great success. All thanks to the wonderful people of the Killeen/Harker Heights area. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I stumbled across your post on wish upon a hero. It took me back to my struggles to become a mother. I felt the pain and outright desparation that you are feeling. No amount of words can help take away the frustrations and the loss of control and the injustice that you are experiencing. Friends and family , (even husbands to some extent),do their best and are truly a blessing but as I felt, ( and I betyou do) it's you and you alone that must live with the day to day sadness of not realizing the dream of something you want more than anything else in this world. Why it eludes you at this time, is something you may never know. Let go, Let God truly take over. It is eaiser said than done. Really concentrate on having faith that what is meant for you - will happen. It may not be the way you want, the time frame you expected but I am convinced that your blessing of becoming a mother will happen if you truly understand that you are not the one in control- have faith. I certainly don't mean to quit trying every procedure you have access to. Keep going, never give up, just know in your heart and soul that you are not in the drivers seat. I can only render this advice because I have been where you are and have had time and years to reflect on my journey to motherhood. I still don't have the answers as to why it took my husband and I six years to become parents. But I can see God's answers in small ways. what I can tell you , as time goes by, we would not be the parents we are today if it had not been for the hell we went through. All the adversity that we experienced because of infertility, has made us wiser, stronger and more grounded parents. You are no where near this point and I don't expect you to understand or comprehend my comments right now. Somebody with your determination , I am certain, will realize their dream of motherhood. My son was conceived through fertility treatments so I understand the money thing-it's not easy by any means- not to mention the emotional roller coaster. I still haven't figured out which one is worse, the financial or the emotional- no actually, the emotional side wins that. Overwhelming can be the winner, don't let it be. Stay strong, be brave, you will succeed and your child to be will be the luckiest child to have you as their parents. I know that to be true. We will celebrate my son Conner Blake's 16th birthday on February 6. It was the happiest day of my life and looking back I would not change anything for the world. Keep the faith, it WILL happen. During my years of infertility treatments my sister gave me a book, it's a children's book called" The Little Engine that Could" and it's about never giving up. and I keep that book out on my bookshelf to remind me every single day of the strugle and heartache we went through. And ultimately your blessing will come in ways you never expected. I wish you and your husband all the comfort, strength and luck in your journey-you will get there, just may not be how or when you expected. but you will- you have to believe. Sincerely, Michelle

  2. I am a Scentsy Independent Consultant, and I am willing to have a fundraiser for your cause. My website it you can contact me at if you are interested. Thanks!
